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Monthly Archives: February 2022

Mommy Makeover Surgeon

What Happens if I get Pregnant after a Tummy Tuck?

Mommy Makeover Surgeon

Many women find that as they age, have children, and undergo weight fluctuations, their body changes in ways they wish it wouldn’t! One change that many find particularly bothersome is the development of loose, sagging skin on the abdomen. Oftentimes, this is the result of stretching of the abdominal skin and tissues due to pregnancy or weight changes. After pregnancy or weight loss, the stretched out skin is unable to recoil to its original shape, leaving behind sagging tissue. Unfortunately, this loose tissue cannot be toned with exercises to make it elastic and tight again. However, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen is happy to offer a surgical solution – the tummy tuck! This surgery is a dream come true to women who have felt helpless as they watched their body change over time. However, many women considering this procedure ask, “What happens if I get pregnant again after a tummy tuck?” This blog post will introduce the tummy tuck procedure, as well as answer this common patient question.

In the past, plastic surgeons performed tummy tucks using a “one size fits all” approach, where sagging extra tissue was removed from the belly and the remaining tissue pulled together to create a tight, flat abdomen. While this surgery achieved a flatter stomach, it also left many women with an unnatural shape by removing tissue from the belly but leaving the back and sides untouched. Today, board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Traci Temmen have adapted their approach to flatten the tummy while also slimming the overall silhouette and accentuating the woman’s natural curves. To accomplish this, first liposuction is performed of the abdomen, back and sides. Through this technique, Dr. Temmen is able to start sculpting a smooth hourglass shape before she even starts on the “tummy tuck” portion. Liposuction also slims down the back and sides, ensuring the finished look will look natural and proportional with the abdomen. Next, excess sagging skin and loose tissue is surgically removed from the front of the abdomen, and the remaining healthy tissue is neatly pulled together to create a flatter, more toned tummy.  In addition to pulling together the skin and superficial tissue, Dr. Temmen may also tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall if she sees that they have drifted apart as a result of pregnancy and weight changes, helping to further cinch in the waist. Altogether, this approach to the tummy tuck results in a flatter belly, smaller waist, and silhouette that highlights a woman’s natural curves.

Now that we’ve introduced the tummy tuck, let’s answer the common patient question, “What happens if I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?” The short answer is, pregnancy after a tummy tuck is not recommended, but is unlikely to pose a danger to the mother or child. As we discussed above, a tummy tuck’s main purpose is to remove excess sagging skin and tissue, which is usually created by pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, or some combination of these. As the pregnancy progresses, the abdominal tissues will be stretched out again, negating the tightening and slimming effect of the tummy tuck. Along similar lines, plastic surgeons recommend that women also try to maintain their stable ideal weight after a tummy tuck and avoid big fluctuations for the same reason. While pregnancy can have aesthetic consequences on tummy tuck results, there is no impact on fertility or the safety of a pregnancy as the tissues targeted in a tummy tuck are superficial, and have no effect on the uterus or reproductive organs. The main difference a woman may notice is that her belly feels tighter as her pregnancy progresses. Nevertheless, most plastic surgeons strongly recommend that women wait until they are done with childbearing to pursue a tummy tuck, in order to give them the best chance of a beautiful and long-lasting result. However, as we all know, life is full of surprises! In these cases, please expect that pregnancy will alter your result and increase your chance of desiring a revision or repeat tummy tuck in the future.

A tummy tuck can be a rewarding and transformative procedure, removing excess skin from the belly and sculpting a smooth hourglass figure. However, it’s important to think about the best time in your life to consider having a tummy tuck. Ideally, patients should be done having children and at or near their ideal, stable weight. These conditions maximize the chances of having a stunning result that stands the test of time, and decreases the chance of later desiring a revision. Dr. Traci Temmen recognizes that plastic surgery of any kind is a big decision, and is committed to working with each patient to find the best option for them. As a woman herself, she understands her patients’ questions about how childbearing may affect their result, and is happy to discuss these concerns one-on-one. To learn more about if you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck or any other cosmetic plastic surgery you’re interested in, please call 813-771-6393 to book your personal consultation with Dr. Traci Temmen today!

Can I get fuller breasts without breast implants?

Can I get Fuller Breasts without Breast Implants?

Can I get fuller breasts without breast implants?

While some women are blessed with naturally full, perky breasts, unfortunately not everyone hits the genetic lottery! For everyone else, having breasts that feel too small can be disheartening and cause decreased self-confidence. Push-up bras and strategic clothing choices can help you feel more confident in the moment, but many women find at the end of the day they still wish their breasts were fuller. Breast implants are a great option for many women hoping to increase the size of their breasts, but is this the only option? This blog post will answer the common patient question “Can I get fuller breasts without breast implants?” and introduce the concept of natural breast augmentation through fat transfer.

During breast augmentation with implants, medical grade synesthetic breast implants are used to add volume to the breasts and create a round, full shape. When it comes to breast implants, there are many different options to choose from such as saline versus silicone, and a wide variety of different sizes and shapes are available. However, for many women sometimes breast implants just don’t feel like the right choice. This may be due to worries about the safety or longevity of implants, or concerns about implants looking or feeling unnatural. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen understands that every woman is different, and respects her patients’ values and preferences. She is one of the only female board certified plastic surgeons in the area to offer natural breast augmentation with fat transfer to her patients who prefer a more natural approach.

For years, fat transfer has been used to move fat from an area where it is unwanted (such as the belly) to an area where it is desired (such as the face or buttocks). In recent times, plastic surgeons have found a new application of fat transfer in breast augmentation. During this procedure, a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Traci Temmen begins by performing gentle liposuction of the belly, back and sides. This has an overall slimming effect, allows for body contouring, and also collects a supply of fat that can later be used for transfer. Once liposuction is complete, the fat is processed and prepared for transfer. It is then injected into the breasts to add soft, natural-looking volume. Patients are typically very happy with their result and love that their breasts look and feel soft and natural. Some women also feel more at ease knowing that they don’t have to worry about needing to replace their implants later on. Because the incisions made for fat transfer are very small, the resulting scars are tiny and become almost invisible with time. Scars for breast augmentation are longer, but in many cases the incisions are able to be placed in discreet locations such as under the armpit, leaving no scars on the breasts. (If you would like to learn more about the scar sizes and locations for breast augmentation, check out the Breast Augmentation procedure page.)

Natural breast augmentation with fat transfer is a great option for many women, but it may not be the best fit for everyone. Fat transfer typically results in a 1-1½ increase in cup size, so women desiring a greater increase in cup size (2 cup sizes or more) may be better suited for breast implants. In addition, women with a significant degree of ptosis (sagging) may benefit more from a breast lift with or without implants than fat transfer in order to tighten the skin and create a perkier appearance. Lastly, women with very low body fat may not have enough fat accessible via liposuction for fat transfer to the breasts if they desire a significant increase in breast size. However, this is rare and there is almost always enough fat available even in slim patients to create a beautiful result.

Natural breast augmentation with fat transfer is a great option for women to consider who are looking for a more natural alternative to breast implants. Dr. Traci Temmen is an expert at breast augmentation both with implants and with fat transfer, and consistently creates stunning results using both methods. To view real patient results, explore the Gallery of before and after photos. To learn more about if one of these options may be right for you, call 813-771-6393 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Traci Temmen, MD today!

Will a breast lift make my breasts smaller

Will a Breast Lift make my Breasts Smaller?

Will a breast lift make my breasts smaller

When it comes to cosmetic breast surgery, every woman has unique goals! Some women wish their breasts were larger, and find breast augmentation with implants to be a great surgical option for them. Other women are happy with their breast size, but disappointed that aging, post-pregnancy, or unlucky genetics that have resulted in a sagging bust line. Still others desire larger breasts and a youthful lift, and choose to undergo a breast lift with implants. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen recognizes that every woman is different, with unique goals and priorities. She enjoys working with each one to form a personalized surgical plan that makes their dreams come true. This blog post will talk about a few of the unique surgical options available to patients considering cosmetic breast surgery, including breast implants, breast lift, and the combination procedure. While going over these options, we will also answer the common patient concern, “Will a breast lift make my breasts look smaller?”

During breast augmentation with implants, patients have the option of selecting saline or silicone breast implants that sit within the breast pocket, adding beautiful shape and volume to the breasts. Saline implants have an outer shell and are filled with a sterile saline solution after implantation (like a water balloon). In contrast, silicone implants are made of solid silicone throughout that more closely mimics breast tissue. As part of her thorough consultation and evaluation process, Dr. Temmen goes over the different implant types, shapes, and sizes with each patient to help them select the best option for them. The primary purpose of breast implants is to add round, full volume to the breasts, helping women feel more confident and attractive in clothing, bathing suits, or wearing nothing at all!

During a breast lift, excess sagging tissue is surgically removed and the breasts are lifted to a higher, more youthful position on the chest. This procedure is highly effective way to correct breast “ptosis” or sagging. There are different degrees of ptosis, which Dr. Temmen assesses by performing a careful physical examination and measurements in the office, including the distance from the nipples to the crease underneath the breasts (or inframammary fold), and if the nipples are facing forward or pointing down. Assessing the degree of ptosis helps her create a precise surgical plan to meet the patient’s goals. The main goal of a breast lift is to correct sagging and elevate the bust line so it appears perkier and more youthful.

Now that we’ve introduced breast implantation and breast lift, let’s briefly cover the combination procedure. During the combination breast lift with implants, Dr. Temmen performs both procedures simultaneously in the operating room, sparing the patient from having multiple surgeries. This is a great option for many women who want to increase their breast size while also eliminating sagging and creating a perkier bust line. This combination procedure allows for complete transformation of the breasts, making it a popular choice! Dr. Temmen performs this combination procedure for her patients all the time, creating truly stunning results!

Let’s conclude this post by answering the common question, “Will a breast lift make my breasts smaller?” In a literal sense, yes, a breast lift on its own removes tissue from the breasts without adding anything back. However, most patients find that visually, their breasts actually appear fuller after a breast lift. In others words, their cup size may slightly smaller, but the cup is much fuller. Patients notice this change the most in the upper pole of the breast that is most impacted by gravity. By taking away excess saggy and loose tissue, a breast lift tightens the remaining skin and tissue into a round, full shape. In summary, women looking for a true increase in breast size will need implants along with their lift, but those who would be happy with perkier, fuller-looking breasts may find that a breast lift on its own meets their goals.

Dr. Traci Temmen is highly skilled and experienced in all kinds of cosmetic breast surgery, including breast augmentation with implants, breast lift, and combined lift with implants. Patients love her gentle bedside manner and commitment to perfection, making her one of the most highly rated plastic surgeons in Tampa. To see real examples of patient results for yourself, simply navigate to the Gallery tab of this website. To learn more about if one of these transformative procedures may be a good fit for you, call 813-771-6393 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Traci Temmen today!