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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Breast Lift Tampa

Will a Breast Lift Reduce My Cup Size?

Breast Lift Tampa

Gravity may keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, but unfortunately it also has many unwanted effects on the body! The effects of gravity in conjunction with aging and weight fluctuations can lead to sagging skin almost anywhere on the body, including the face, neck, and breasts. This post will discuss one surgical solution many women are interested in learning about to reverse sagging of the breasts called mastopexy, or breast lift. First, I will explain this procedure and its benefits, before addressing a common question asked by many women considering this procedure, “Will a breast lift reduce my cup size?”

Sagging breasts is one the most common complaints women have about their bodies, making them feel less attractive, self-conscious, or unable to wear the clothes they want. Unfortunately, this problem is almost inevitable as we age and our tissues lose their elasticity. Dr. Traci Temmen understands the toll this problem can have on a woman’s quality of life, and is happy to offer her surgical expertise to help many women regain their confidence. As with any surgery, the first vital step is to meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon who’s experienced in the area of interest and discuss your goals for the surgery as well as thoroughly review your medical and surgical history. During this visit, Dr. Temmen also performs a thorough physical exam and takes measurements of the breasts to precisely plan for surgery. On the day of surgery, the patient will meet her entire care team dedicated to her safety and comfort before being taken to the OR. During surgery, an incision will be made around the nipple-areola complex, or the border between the colored skin around the nipple and the rest of the breast. This allows the nipple and areola to be lifted to a higher position on the breast, as well as reduced in size if that is something the patient desires. For women with a mild degree of ptosis (sagging), this incision may be all that is needed. For those with moderate to severe ptosis, a second vertical incision may be made that connects the bottom of the circular incision to 2-4 cm above the breast fold. This incision is important for further tightening the skin and tissues in patients with higher degrees of breast sagging. Patients may be familiar with the combination of these two incisions commonly called the “lollipop incision”. While this may seem like a large incision to many patients, most find that it fades significantly and becomes only barely noticeable over time. Patients will discuss incision size and location with Dr. Temmen in the consultation and decide together if the patient’s goals are best achieved through just the peri-areolar incision or the combination lollipop incision.

Now that we have gone through the basics of how this procedure works, let’s address the common question, “Will a breast lift reduce my cup size?” The way that a breast lift works is by removing excess skin and tissue to lift and tighten the breasts. Since this involves removing some excess tissue, most women will find that a breast lift reduces their cup size by about one letter. However, most women are significantly happier with their overall breast appearance because their breasts are much perkier, and actually appear fuller despite being slightly smaller because the tissues are tightened. For women who want to maintain or increase their breast size after a breast lift, adding implants during this procedure may be an excellent option. This couples the benefits of reducing sagging and lifting the breasts to a more youthful position with a simultaneous increase in volume to give additional fullness to the breasts. Which option is better for the patient depends on their lifestyle, anatomy, and how they ultimately want to look, and can be discussed in detail with their plastic surgeon during their consultation.

Dr. Traci Temmen is highly trained and experienced in cosmetic breast surgery, including breast lift, breast augmentation using implants, and combined breast lift with implants. She enjoys working with each individual patient to help them reach their goals, and patients appreciate her commitment to perfection and gentle bedside manner. If you are interested in exploring one of the surgical options discussed or any other plastic surgery you are interested in, call 813-771-6393 to book your one-on-one consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Traci Temmen, MD, today.



Breast Lift with Implants

Will Breast Implants work if my Breasts are Sagging?

Breast Lift with Implants

Spring is in the air! And that means that summer is just around the corner, and with it hopefully at least a few vacation days to relax and unwind at the beach. While summertime brings poolside lounging, tropical drinks, and beautiful sunsets, it unfortunately is also a time when many people feel a little insecure about their bodies. For many women in particular, it can be a challenge to find a bikini top that makes them feel confident hitting the seashore. In fact, lots of women are unhappy with breasts that don’t quite fill out their bathing suit top, leaving them wishing they had just a little extra volume. For many others, the effects of aging bring unwanted sagging into play as women struggle to find a top with enough support. Whether an issue of wanting increased volume or a little pick-me-up, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen understands that the appearance of the breasts can be a source of embarrassment for many women, and is happy to offer safe and effective surgical solutions for those wishing to make a change. This blog post will discuss the basics of breast augmentation and breast lift, as well as answer the common question, “Will breast implants work if my breasts are sagging?”

First, let’s go over the basics of breast augmentation with breast implants. When it comes to implants, there are lots of different choices to help you find the look that’s right for you. Firstly, the patient will work with their plastic surgeon to decide between the two implant materials: Saline and silicone. Saline implants are designed like a balloon that is “inflated” with sterile saline (salt water) solution once placed into the implant pocket. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are composed of solid, medical grade silicone throughout. Other decisions to make with your surgeon include scar placement (under the armpit, around the areola, or in the crease underneath the breast), and implant placement (above or below the pectoralis muscle). As you can see, breast augmentation with implants is far from a one size fits all surgery, and it is vitally important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Traci Temmen who you can partner with and trust throughout your surgery journey.

So, lets shift focus now to answer the common question, “Will breast implants work if my breasts are sagging?” The answer to this question depends on how much the breasts are sagging – also referred to as the “degree of ptosis” of the breasts. Women with breasts with minimal sagging, where the nipple is at or above the level of the breast crease, may benefit from an implant alone. For these women, the increased volume will help “fill in” the loose overlying skin to make the breasts appear fuller. However, women with moderate to severe ptosis such that the nipple is below the level of the breast crease will usually require a breast lift in addition to implants. In a breast lift, the sagging extra skin and soft tissue are surgically removed to facilitate lifting the breasts to a higher position. The nipple and areola are also raised to higher positon during this procedure to match the new perkier positon of the breasts. For women who desire an increase in breast volume in addition to a lift, a breast lift with implants is an excellent option. This effectively eliminates sagginess while also adding beautiful volume and fullness to the breasts.

There are many options when it comes to breast augmentation, including breast implants alone, breast lift, or the combined breast lift with implants. Perhaps you already have done your research and feel confident which option is the best for you, which is great! But for many patients, the final decision will come down to having an in-person detailed conversation with their plastic surgeon to discuss the potential pluses and minuses of each procedure and choose the option that best suits their anatomy and desires. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Temmen recommends patients bring identify several before and after “wish pics” to go over together so she can fully understand their goals. To view real example of patient transformations, please refer to the Gallery portion of this website. If you would like to learn more about breast implants, breast lift, or the combination of the two, simply pick up the phone and call 813-771-6393 to schedule your personal consultation with Traci Temmen, MD, today!

Labiaplasty Improve Your Sex Life

Can Labiaplasty Improve Your Sex Life?

Labiaplasty Improve Your Sex Life

With the miracle of modern medicine and technology, the field of plastic surgery has blossomed to include safe and effective procedures all over the body. While breast augmentation, nose jobs, and butt lifts often grace magazine covers, plastic surgery on the genitalia remains a taboo topic. However, procedures such as labiaplasty can in fact be life-changing for many women who live with constant discomfort or embarrassment from enlarged labia. This blog post will explain this procedure in more detail as well as discuss the effects of labiaplasty on sexual function to answer the common question, “Can labiaplasty improve your sex life?”

The first step in any cosmetic surgical procedure is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who you trust to take great care of you before, during, and after your surgery. Dr. Traci Temmen has the highest level of training in her field and is experienced in the field of female genital surgery including labiaplasty. Furthermore, as a woman herself, Dr. Temmen understands the worries and concerns of her female patients and makes every effort to ensure every woman feels comfortable and cared for throughout their surgical experience. Once you have selected a surgeon and had a detailed in-person consultation to discuss your goals, it is time for surgery! This procedure usually takes only about one hour, but of course can vary depending on the individual patient. Before surgery, the patient receives local anesthesia and may be offered anti-anxiety medication to help her feel more relaxed, but remains awake and breathing on her own. During the procedure, Dr. Temmen carefully removes unwanted excess tissue from the labia. During this process she pays special attention to orient the incisions away from the vaginal opening. This precise scar placement ensures optimal patient comfort in the future during physical activity or sexual intercourse that might otherwise irritate the area. After surgery, patients are pleased that they are able to return home the same day and may return to work the next day. During recovery, they are able to resume light exercise in three weeks and sexual activity in six weeks.

Now that we have discussed labiaplasty, let’s go over how this procedure can affect (and maybe even improve!) sexual function. First, an anatomy lesson. Sexual sensation and function is supplied by nerves, most importantly the pudendal nerve. This nerve lies deep in the pelvis, sending small branches up to the surface to innervate the external genitalia. During a labiaplasty, only the most superficial tissue is operated on, leaving the deeper structures untouched. Therefore, injury to the deep nerves supplying this region would be extremely unlikely. Not only does labiaplasty preserve these important nerves, in fact many women report that labiaplasty actually improves their sex lives! This is accomplished through a few different ways. Firstly, many of the women seeking labiaplasty do so at least partially because their labia have enlarged to a point where they cause pain during exercise, rubbing against clothing, and during sexual activity. Reducing the size of the labia through labiaplasty eliminates this issue and helps women engage in these activities pain-free, increasing sexual enjoyment. The second part of this is as a woman experiences discomfort or pain with intercourse over a long time period, she may start to develop a negative association with sex that decreases her libido as well. Fixing the root of this problem can help women reclaim their sexual identity, with many women experiencing a newfound sex drive and increased desire. Finally, another common reason many women pursue labiaplasties is due to a feeling of embarrassment over the appearance of labia that they feel look engorged, elongated, or asymmetrical. Correcting this through plastic surgery can help women feel confident and sexy in the bedroom again.

Labiaplasty may seem like a scary option to some, but in reality it is a very safe and effective way to decrease the size of enlarged labia that cause pain, discomfort, or embarrassment for many women. This can have a positive impact on self-esteem, sexual function, and overall quality of life – all accomplished through a procedure done under local anesthesia in the time it would take you to take your lunch break! If you’re reading this blog post thinking this sounds like you, this is your chance to finally make a change and reach out to a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in this specialized and sensitive procedure. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call 813-771-6393 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Traci Temmen, MD today!