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Monthly Archives: January 2022

breast lift or reduction alleviate back pain

Will a Breast Lift or Reduction Alleviate Back Pain?

breast lift or reduction alleviate back pain

Back pain is an exceedingly common complaint among Americans, affecting hundreds of thousands of people per year. While there are many possible causes of back pain, women have to deal with an additional cause that may not come to mind as often – breast size. For some women, losing weight can help decrease the size of enlarged breasts, thus decreasing back pain. For others, making a simple change such as finding a more supportive bra can help redistribute the weight across the shoulders, decreasing pain. Unfortunately, for a large number of women, these solutions simply don’t work. This can feel very discouraging for many women left wondering if there’s another option. Fortunately, there is a solution! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen offers safe and effective surgical options for patients looking to decrease the size of their breasts and improve their quality of life. This blog post will discuss the similarities and differences between two common procedures, breast lift and breast reduction, and address which option may be better for women looking for relief from back pain due to heavy breasts.

First, let’s break down the differences between a breast lift and breast reduction. The goals of a breast lift include raising the nipple-areolar complex to a higher position, tightening the skin envelope of the breast, and improving upper breast fullness and shape. To achieve these goals, Dr. Temmen surgically repositions the nipple and breast tissue to a higher position on the chest wall, making the breasts look perkier. Additionally, excess loose and sagging skin is removed during this process to tighten the skin of the breasts and create a fuller, more youthful shape. During a breast lift, the removal of excess sagging skin and superficial tissue generally reduces cup size by about one letter (i.e. D to C). Although the breasts are technically smaller, they typically appear fuller after a lift due to the tightening and lifting effects of the surgery.

A breast reduction builds upon the procedure for a breast lift by adding surgical excision of excess breast tissue. This allows breast size to be decreased much more significantly than with a breast lift. It is important to note that a breast reduction still includes all of the elements of a breast lift that eliminate sagging, including the repositioning of the nipple-areola complex and skin tightening to create a perkier appearance. The main difference is simply that a reduction also removes a significant amount of breast tissue to make the breasts the desired size. Both breast lift and reduction may also include resizing of the nipple-areola complex for those desiring smaller or more symmetrical areolas.

Scar locations for these procedures vary depending on the degree of breast sagginess and/or enlargement. Patients requiring a small breast reduction or lift may achieve beautiful with a single scar placed around the nipple areolar complex (the border between the more pigmented areola and the rest of the breast). For patients requiring a larger reduction with a more significant degree of breast sagging, it is necessary to add a vertical scar from the bottom of the nipple-areolar complex to 2-4 cm above the breast fold at the chest wall. While patients often worry about this scar, it typically heals very well and can become virtually invisible after a year. Rarely, patients desiring a drastic reduction with extreme degrees of breast sagging may need a third horizontal scar placed at the breast fold. Traci Temmen understands that scars are a source of anxiety for many patients, and is committed to forming a personalized surgical plan with each patient to address all of her concerns and ensure the best possible aesthetic outcome that meets her goals.

Let’s end this post with a quick discussion of the role of breast size in back pain, and which surgical option can most effectively mitigate this. If you think about it, it makes sense that heavy breasts cause back pain. The breasts add substantial weight to the chest, which in turn exerts excess pressure on the joints and muscles of the back, causing pain. Over time, this can take a heavy toll on the body. Breast weight largely depends on breast size, and can vary from less than a pound to over five pounds for well-endowed ladies! While supportive bras may help redistribute this weight, unfortunately the amount of weight remain the same unless the breast size is reduced. For women with who are primarily concerned with the saggy appearance of their breasts rather than the size, a breast lift may be a good option. However, women with enlarged breast size that is causing secondary issues such as back pain will likely benefit more from a breast reduction, as this does much more to remove excess tissue from the breasts, and decrease the amount of weight.

Deciding the best option for you can feel daunting, but luckily you’re not on your own! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen offers one-on-one consultations to all of her patients that includes a detailed discussion of the patient’s past medical and surgical history and goals for what she hopes to achieve from surgery. During this visit, Dr. Temmen also performs a thorough physical exam and takes precise measurements of the breasts to create a personalized surgical plan for each patient. She also takes the time to answer any questions the patient has about surgery, recovery, outcomes, and anything else the patient has concerns about. Dr. Temmen recognizes that surgery of any kind is an anxiety-inducing process for most patients, and is committed to helping each patient feel comfortable and cared for from initial consultation to recovery.

Dr. Traci Temmen is an expert at cosmetic breast surgery, and frequently performs breast lifts and breast reductions with beautiful results. She enjoys working with each patient to help them reach their goals, and love using her skills to restore patient’s confidence and quality of life. If you are interested in learning more about breast lift, reduction, or any other cosmetic plastic surgery you are interested in, please call 813-771-6393 to book your one-on-one consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Traci Temmen, MD, today.

BBL Results

Are the Results of My BBL Permanent?

BBL Results

When women think about the physical attributes they desire, for many, a round, shapely booty is at the top of the list! Unfortunately, for many women, no amount of squats is enough to get the shape of their dreams. This may be due to genetics, aging, or simply bad luck! No matter the reason, dissatisfaction with this area is a common frustration for many women. Luckily, with the power and prevision of modern medicine, a beautiful and shapely derriere can now be surgically sculpted with minimal scars through the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)! This is great news for women searching for a safe and effective way to sculpt their behind, but it also brings common questions like, “How long will my results last?” and, “Are the results of my BBL permanent?” After all, no one wants to undergo a costly procedure for a short-lived result. This blog post will discuss the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure as well as address this common patient concern.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a transformative procedure developed to do what many women have jokingly wished for at one time or another – to take some fat from HERE and put it back THERE! This is accomplished through a combination of liposuction and fat transfer in two steps. In the first step, Dr. Temmen performs targeted liposuction of the tummy, back, and sides. This eliminates stubborn fat deposits like love handles and back fat, and also smooths and slims the entire silhouette. Once this step is complete, the fat that was collected is prepared for transfer. The highest quality fat is then loaded into cannulas and injected into targeted areas of the buttocks. During each patient’s individual consultation with Dr. Temmen, they go over the patient’s anatomy in detail and discuss the patients’ goals for their appearance. The locations and quantities of fat transferred is then tailored to meet those goals, for example to create more projection versus a rounder shape. During a BBL, both the liposuction and fat transfer are performed using small cannulas, leaving very tiny scars (about ¼-½ inch). After recovery from this procedure, it is not uncommon for the surgeon or even the patient to have difficulty locating their scars as they are so small and fade with time.

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of the BBL, let’s discuss the common patient question, “Will my BBL results be permanent?” Given that surgery of any kind costs a significant amount of money and comes with some risk of complications no matter how qualified and experienced the surgeon is, it is no surprise that the longevity of surgical results is a concern of many patients. Following surgery, between 60-80% of the newly transferred fat is retained long term stays while the remainder is reabsorbed naturally by the body. To help new fat stay in place, Dr. Temmen recommends patients try to avoid prolonged sitting for the first two weeks following surgery, and to also stand or lie on their side or stomach when possible during this period. During the recovery process, the new fat integrates into the surrounding tissues, ultimately acting similarly to your native fat anywhere else in your body. This means that the fat transferred during a BBL can also be affected by weight fluctuations. For this reason, Dr. Temmen recommends patients be at or near their ideal body weight prior to surgery to minimize weight changes afterwards that could alter the result. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that of course the body will continue to change after surgery due to natural aging and the effects of gravity. While some of these natural changes unavoidable, patients can help preserve their result by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following their surgeon’s post-op instructions and follow-up, and maintaining their ideal body weight.

Lastly, it is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced at BBLs and has a proven track record of excellent results. This will ensure that your surgeon is qualified not only in the operating room, but also fully trained to address any complications that arise during the recovery process. Dr. Traci Temmen is highly skilled at BBLs and consistently achieves amazing results. She is committed to working with each patient to create a beautiful and long-lasting result that makes her patients feel confident and radiant. To view real examples of past patient transformations for yourself, please explore the Gallery tab of this website. If you are interested in learning more about if you may be a candidate for this life-changing procedure, please call 813-771-6393 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Traci Temmen, MD today!