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What Will My Breasts Look Like After Implant Removal

Breast implant removal or breast explantation is a procedure used to remove previously placed implants. Some women seek explant procedures in response to changes in their breast size over time while others choose to remove their implants due to dissatisfaction or regret after breast augmentation. While both breast augmentation and explantation require careful consideration, many patients make the decision much more quickly for augmentation while the decision to remove them is often a more extensive, lengthier process.

Many patients worry about the appearance of their breasts following explantation and therefore must be emotionally prepared with realistic expectations for the final result. Removing breast implants will have a dramatic effect on the resulting size of the breasts and in some cases the removal may leave behind excess skin and/or asymmetries. Dr. Traci Temmen is extremely helpful when it comes to this aspect of the pre-procedural process as she patiently and thoroughly advises patients on the changes they should expect during every stage of implant removal and beyond.

In the case that only explantation is desired, it may be possible to remove the implants through the same incision site through which they were placed. Although some patients can undergo explantation without consequence and with aesthetically pleasing results, others are not as fortunate. Depending on the condition of the implants, current breast size, degree of sagging, and implant size, many women consider having a breast lift, breast reduction, or liposuction and fat transfer in addition to the implant removal or explantation for optimal cosmetic results. Each of these additional procedures helps to provide the patient with normal and natural looking breasts despite removal of the implants. However, even those patients that opt for implant removal alone should not be dismayed by their breast appearance immediately following explantation. In the weeks to months following implant removal, the skin of most breasts will contract while the soft tissues will expand or “fluff out.” This gradual healing process results in a fuller, tighter, and much more attractive result than what may be seen immediately after breast implant removal.

The recovery process for explantation varies depending on the degree of changes and the method in which the result was obtained although most patients typically return to work within a few days following the surgery. Breast implant removal surgery starts at $4,900; this price may vary depending on the method of removal, complexity, and optional pairing of implant removal with other surgeries such as a breast lift, breast reduction, or liposuction with fat transfer to the breast (i.e. natural breast augmentation). Dr. Temmen performs all aspects of revision surgeries and will help you decide on the best plan to fit your lifestyle, goals, and desired outcome. To see before and after photos in addition to those pictured on the website, call the office at 813-771-6393 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Traci Temmen in Tampa, Florida!