47-Year-Old Female: Removal of Implants Before and After Photos
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Before and After 47-Year-Old Female: Removal of Implants Photos

The patient is a 47 year old female who came to Dr. Temmen for implant removal surgery. She no longer wanted her heavy, large, unnatural breast implants. She first had 450cc saline implants in June 2000. She then wet back for a revision aug with circumareolar lift in August 2001 with 450cc on the right and 420cc on the left. She was tired of implants and the maintenance and wanted them out. She has decided against doing a breast lift at the same because she feels her breasts have an acceptable amount of sag for her age, and we agreed. She may consider breast lift in the future, and we will be here for her if and when she decides that is what she wants.