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Does Insurance cover Labiaplasty?

As we age, gain weight, or have children, everyone’s body changes. Unfortunately, it usually isn’t in the ways we want it to! This toll on the body may manifest in many ways, such as sagging skin around the midsection, breasts that hang lower than they used to, or stubborn fat deposits that just won’t budge. Although it isn’t talked about as much, many women are also dissatisfied with the changes that take place in their genital region. In particular, many women are bothered by elongated or enlarged labia that cause uncomfortable irritation against clothing, while exercising, or during intercourse. Some women also feel embarrassed by these changes and find themselves avoiding tight clothing or intimacy, or simply feeling less confident and dissatisfied with their appearance. Whatever the reason, Dr. Traci Temmen understands that this is a sensitive topic for all women and is happy to offer a surgical solution for those seeking relief from painful irritation and renewed confidence in their body. One such option is labiaplasty, a surgical procedure that reduces the size of enlarged labia. This post will briefly discuss this procedure as well as answer one question many patients have regarding this procedure, which is if it will be covered by their insurance.

Labiaplasty is performed as an out-patient procedure at Temmen Plastic Surgery, a boutique surgical center in South Tampa that prioritizes patient privacy and comfort. This procedure typically takes about one hour to complete, but varies depending on each patient’s individual anatomy. During this procedure, the patient receives local anesthesia and may be offered anti-anxiety medication depending on how she feels, but remains awake and breathing on her own. During the procedure, Dr. Temmen carefully removes the excess tissue from the labia and closes the tissue with the incision oriented away from the vaginal opening to ensure optimal patient comfort. Patients are usually very happy that they are able to go home shortly after their surgery, and return to work the next day, resume light exercise in three weeks, and sexual activity in six weeks.

For women considering this procedure, one of the first questions on their mind is if it will be covered by their insurance. Unfortunately, the short answer to this is that in most cases, labiaplasty will not be covered by insurance. Typically, insurance will cover procedures that are deemed medically necessary, such as fixing a broken leg after a car accident. However, it will not cover procedures that it classifies as “cosmetic”, or for aesthetic purposes. Some plastic surgeries such as labiaplasty may have elements of both. For example, breast reduction is often performed to alleviate back and neck pain in addition to reducing the size of the breasts to improve their appearance. Careful documentation of the chronic pain in these cases may result in insurance companies being willing to cover a breast reduction. Unfortunately, although many women pursue labiaplasty not just for aesthetic reasons but also due to painful irritation that negatively impacts their quality of life, insurance companies will still typically not cover the procedure. Although it is unlikely that it will be covered, patients are still encouraged to request reimbursement from their insurance company. Fortunately, labiaplasties are not as expensive as many other plastic surgeries, starting at approximately $3,200 with local anesthesia. Many women also take advantage of the convenient payment options available that allow payment with check, credit card, or CareCredit, a special credit card that that offers low monthly payments for cosmetic surgery procedures. Overall, most women are very happy with their decision to undergo labiaplasty and find that the price tag is worth the significant improvements in their quality of life.

For women who are significantly impacted by labia that are enlarged and causing pain and embarrassment, there is no need to suffer in silence! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen is highly trained and experienced in performing labiaplasty to help women live comfortable, pain-free, and confident lives. To view examples of surgical results, please navigate to the Gallery tab of this website. (Note that due to the sensitive nature of these images, more may be viewed during an in-person consultation than those displayed here.) If you are interested in learning more about if you may be a candidate for this life-changing procedure, please call 813-771-6393 to book your one-on-one consultation with Traci Temmen, MD today!