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Breast Enhancement

Breast Implants vs Fat Transfer

While many women have identified “problem areas” on their body that they wish they could change, the bust line is one area that many women are very sensitive about. Some women are naturally blessed with full and perky breasts, and that is wonderful for them. However, lots of women have bust lines that could benefit from a little boost! Padded and push-up bras can provide extra volume underneath clothing, but many women are looking to enhance their shape so that they feel sexy and confident no matter what they’re wearing (or wearing nothing at all!) For those interested in exploring plastic surgery as highly effective tool for breast enhancement, the different options can seem a little overwhelming. This blog post will unpack two of these options, breast implantation and fat transfer to the breasts, as well as go through a few of the situations that may make a patient a better candidate for one or the other.

Breast implants are what most people probably think of when they hear the words “breast enhancement”. There are many different types of implants, and they are usually separated into two groups: saline and silicone. Saline implants are composed of a thin silicone shell that is filled up with sterile saline solution after it has been inserted during surgery. Silicone breast implants, on the other hand, are solid all the way through and composed of soft silicone that more closely mimics the texture of real breast tissue. Silicone implants come in a variety of shapes to suit each individual patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals, with some adding more volume to the upper part of the breast to create a “perkier” look, while others have more volume in the bottom of the implant in order to create a “teardrop” shape. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen understands that with all of the different implants available, it’s easy for patients to feel lost. Helping patients navigate this sea of options is a responsibility she takes very seriously, and she is committed to helping every patient find the perfect fit for them! Patients who may be better candidates for breast implantation than fat transfer to the breast are those who want to go up a cup size or more, as generally not enough fat can be transferred to the breasts to add multiple cup sizes of volume. In addition, women with a substantial degree of ptosis (or sagging) of the breasts will likely benefit more from implants than fat transfer due to the implants occupying more space and thus helping pull the overlying tissues tighter. Women with very significant sagging of the breasts may benefit the most from breast implants combined with a breast lift in order to remove excess sagging skin and surgically lift the breasts to a higher, more youthful position on the chest.

The second option we will discuss in this post for enhancing the appearance of the breasts is fat transfer. In this procedure, natural body fat is first harvested from the abdomen, back and sides using gentle liposuction. Dr. Traci Temmen is highly skilled at using the precise power of liposuction to sculpt the body into a slimmer shape while accentuating the patient’s natural curves. Once this portion of the procedure is complete, the fat that was harvested is injected into the breasts through tiny incisions that will be almost invisible once healed. Dr. Temmen is one of the few plastic surgeons in Tampa who is highly skilled and experienced in using this technique, as it requires meticulous precision to inject the fat into different areas of the breast to create the perfect shape. Many women find this option for breast enhancement appealing because it makes use of their own natural fat without inserting any foreign material into the body. Another benefit of this procedure is because it utilizes your own natural body fat, the finished result looks and feels very soft and natural. However, not every patient is a good candidate for fat transfer to the breasts. In particular, those who desire to add more than one cup size to their bust line will likely require breast implants. In addition, women who want to make their breasts look significantly perkier will likely not get much lift from this procedure alone, and may be better suited to breast implants or a breast lift. Patients who are good candidates for this procedure usually only want a modest increase in size (half to one full cup size), have breasts that are not sagging, and are drawn to this option for its use of natural fat instead of a synthetic implant.

Hopefully this post helped shed some light on the key differences between breast implants and fat transfer as options for enhancing the appearance of the breasts. At the end of the day, the best way to decide on the best option for you is through an in person, sit-down conversation with your plastic surgeon. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen takes the time to have detailed one-on-one conversations with her patients to ensure that all of their questions are answered, and they never feel rushed into making a decision. If you would like to view some examples of real patient results of these procedures, please explore the Before and After section of this website. To learn more about what option may be the best one for you, call 813-771-6393 to schedule your personal consultation with Traci Temmen, MD, today!