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Breast Implant Illness

The subject of Breast Implant Illness (BII) has gained recent attention among patients with breast implants and those considering breast augmentation with implants.  While little scientific research has been done on this controversial topic, a minority of patients with breast implants attribute certain systemic symptoms to their implants.  Some of these symptoms include mental confusion, joint pain, hair loss, dry eyes, chronic fatigue, and persistent flu-like symptoms.  Further confusing the issue is the fact that these symptoms are frequently encountered in women suffering from other common illnesses such as hypothyroidism, menopause, depression, anxiety, and general aging.  Additionally, certain patients do feel a subjective improvement in symptoms upon removal of their implants while many other patients continue to experience symptoms even years after removal of their implants.

The safety off all medical devices, including breast implants, are studied in depth by the use of high-quality medical studies and scientific research before they are approved for use.  All medical devices used in the United States must pass rigorous testing done by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they are allowed to be used in humans.  Throughout years of research, there is no evidence or pathophysiological explantation as to how silicone or saline breast implants could be the sole cause of the symptoms experienced by women concerned about Breast Implant Illness.

As trained doctors and researchers, plastic surgeons base their medical decisions on scientific studies, FDA guidelines, and evidence-based medical practices.  However, these studies rely on statistics taken from studying large patient populations, not the individual patient experience.  With that said, there is a community of individual breast implant patients suffering with symptoms of breast implant illness.  These patients gain support and comfort from online resources, social media, and hopefully their treating plastic surgeon.

If you feel you are having symptoms of breast implant illness, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Traci Temmen in Tampa, Florida.  Dr. Temmen will provide honest and reliable answers to all of your questions and concerns regarding breast implants and the associated risks of placement or explantation.  For patients concerned about breast implant illness, there is a variety of treatment methods depending on individual needs, anatomy, and desires.  The implants can be simply removed, the implants and be removed as well as the capsule, or the implants can be removed while still inside of the capsule (called en bloc removal).  Additionally, if cosmetics is also a concern, the breasts can then be further refined with a fat transfer to the breast, a breast lift, or breast reduction.

In summary, there are a variety of treatment methods for women considering breast implant removal for breast implant illness.  Dr. Temmen in Tampa, Florida will listen to your concerns and help individualize a treatment plan to best fit your needs and lifestyle.  To schedule a consultation for implant removal with Dr. Traci Temmen, call 813-771-6393 today.